
Pit Bull Dogs: Not Allowed

I'm in the process of finding a place to rent. Obviously, Rocky and the rest of the fur-gang will be tagging along. Since there's three altogether, I'm expecting to have to put down a hefty pet deposit, not mention the pet fees added onto the monthly rent. I've decided to further my education, so, once again, I am a poor college student.

When I found a lovely little place for rent that was actually within my budget, close to my family and in a familiar area, I was thrilled! There was room for the cats to lounge, and room for Rocky to have his Pit-Fits. To top it off, the four of us wouldn't have to stare at each other all day due to lack of space.

Bam! The owner said dogs had to be "pre-approved." That's when my Spidey Senses began to alert. I would have to pay this dude a $750 PET deposit just to get all three of my guys in the home. They had to be "pre-approved" too?

He said, "No Rottweilers."
I said, "That's fine."
He said, "No Pit Bulls."
I said, "Define what you'd classify as a Pit Bull..."

Long story short, the home will go to someone else. I currently live in a complex that doesn't care what breed of dog you have. Just as I found this one, I'll find another.

5 comments: said...

How true and stereotypical most places are on our fine friends. It's heartwarming to know that there are others like yourself who will not allow hatred or ignorance against the breed to alter our love and value of their remaining our family.

To find more people like yourself, visit

Dimitri McKay said...

Amen to that brother. I have two pit-bulls, both are wonderful, not very "barky", and are very sweet, but the fact that the media has hyped them up to be "child killers" is what ruins it.

Racism in humans is illegal in this country. But bigotry toward dogs is accepted.


luvyduvy said...

well i was able to find an apartment that allowed my pups as well as a 400 pet dep. for both ! but when i took my dogs and they said it was a pit bull i corrected them and let them know they were "american staffordshire terrriers "... so maybe the next time they ask you can tell them that they are american stafforshire terriers or a stafforshire bull terrier.

PitBullLadyDesigns said...

I'm sorry that all APBT owners have to deal with discrimination of our lovely, sweet dogs. . .

To find more pit bull people, visit

pictures of some lovely pitties at

Gwatson said...

Thank you all for the comments and support! Living in such a Pit-hostile area is very frustrating. Rocky and I are still looking for a suitable plot of land to call our own.

If all else fails, we're uprooting and moving to the country!
