
Basic Pit Bull Puppy Training

Many new Pit Bull puppy owners express a similar sentiment. They want their puppy to listen to them and obey commands. If your Pit Bull puppy thinks that "come" is a suggestion rather than a command, read on to learn how to mold your puppy into a model canine citizen.

The first, and often overlooked, thing you must do is have a clear vision of how you want your puppy to behave. Keep this vision in your mind's eye during training sessions. Also have a clear vision of your own posture, voice tone and quality. Remember that Pit Bull puppy training begins with you.

Your Pit Bull is young and everything around them holds the promise of a new adventure. This is a fancy way of saying that they have very short attention spans. For this reason, keep training sessions short, fun, and focused.

To avoid future dominance issues, only give your Pit Bull puppy what they've earned. Before each meal, tell the puppy to sit-stay (you can learn how to teach your dog the sit-stay command here). After they've obeyed, offer them their meal.

Never engage in any play fighting or tug-of-war games when your Pit Bull puppy is hyper-stimulated. This can lead to misbehavior or dominance issues in the future.

Make sure that you give your puppy outlets for excess energy. A bored puppy can be a destructive puppy.

For more in-depth Pit Bull puppy training information, check out Pit Bull Zone Training Guide, a neat report that gives practical ideas on how to train your Pit Bull puppy.


smallwall2010 said...

my name is autumn thomas,
i have an 12 week old pitbull pup. i got him free because he has a slight leg deformity, and he always has been around big dogs but i want him to be an inside dog and the problem i have is he trys to play with our 6month old chihuahua and some other small dogs we have in the house,he is just to rough and my mother wants me to get rid of him because she fears for the other dogs. he doesnt listen to me most of the time,. i am at a loss i really dont want to get rid of him because it was my dream to have a pitbull pup. i had waited 6 years to get one and i really dont want to just give up on him without trying something. i desperatly need some guidance. can you please help me?

Gwatson said...

He's only 12 weeks, so he's still learning and exploring the world around him. This can make having him around a lot of fun, but also quite frustrating.

This is a perfect time to teach him "doggy social etiquette." He needs to learn how to play with other dogs and small animals. I have two cats, and Rocky was raised alongside them. I mostly had to worry about the cats getting too rough with him, but on the rare occasion that he did bite too hard or play a little too rough, he got a very stern "No!" and was removed from the room. At this age, he just understood that "playing too rough equals play time being over really soon and being alone" Those two things, abruptly ending playtime and being alone, are most puppies' worst nightmare. Especially the social and playful Pit Bull.

If he doesn't listen to you, it could mean that he doesn't recognize you as an authority figure. It's so easy to look at those cute little puppy faces and forget that your Pit Bull will soon be a large and very powerful dog.

Begin implementing NILIF training (google this, or let me know if you'd like me to write something about it) right away and try to enroll him in obedience classes. Combining the two often provides wonderful results with puppies.

Unknown said...

MY name is Meek-Meek. I am getting a 6week pup soon for my 4 kids. I was wondering what things do I need to have in place before the pup comes home with us.

Unknown said...

My nake is meek-meek. I am about to get a 6 week old pit pup for my 4 kids. I wanted to know what can I do to make his home coming comfortable. I have never had a pup and want this to be a great memory for my kids. what kinds of toys and food would you recommend for a young pup. I look forward to hearing from you.

julia said...

I have a month old puppy. She is very young still. Im wondering how if its too early to start training her. I also have a 2 1/2 old pit boy who is the father of the puppy. Hes very gentle when they play but she becomes very aggressive it seems like? Is that okay behavior? Also is it okau to have my older dog around the puppy? Thanks

Anonymous said...

Pit bulls are one of the sweetest breeds! No one can deny that they are cute! Well, no matter what breed of dog you choose, you need a lot of patience when it comes to training him =)

