
Dealing With the Negative Pit Bull Image

I recently "puppy-sat" two hyper and rambunctious Labrador puppies. In the short time that I had them, I was: bitten, nipped, screamed at, pummeled over, and pounced on. Rocky sat nearby quietly watching these two pups, Bonnie and Clyde, get into anything and everything. Once Bonnie and Clyde were (thankfully) returned to their owners, I sat down with Rocky and thought about my experience. Why is that no one flinched when those chocolate Labradors behaved in the manner described above? Why is it that Rocky, who is the exact opposite, receives negative comments and worried glances?

For the last several years, Pit Bulls have had to endure a very negative public image. Sensationalism sells. Responsible Pit Bull owners have done their best to remedy the hysteria by training their Pit Bulls to be ambassadors for the breed. However, for every positive mention Pit Bulls receive from the media, we can expect ten negative ones. People aren't able to see just how mild mannered Pit Bulls can be in day to day interactions.

If you are a Pit Bull puppy owner, this mountain can seem insurmountable. Don't be discouraged, because there are some things you can do for you, your puppy, and the Pit Bull community.

1. Enroll your puppy in obedience classes. The first step to improving the Pit Bull's image to have a well-mannered puppy. In other words, don't let your puppy become a Bonnie or a Clyde.

2. Be responsible. Being a Pit Bull owner can be challenging due to the stigma related to the breed. You have to remain one step ahead of the pack. For example, don't allow your dog off leash at dog parks (better yet, avoid them altogether), don't leave your dog unsupervised around children (kids can effectively push ANY dog's buttons). These are but a few things you can do to display responsibility.

3. Educate your community. Oftentimes, fear is the offspring of ignorance. What people don't know or understand, they justify with theory and assumption. This fact has been demonstrated countless times throughout history. You may have heard that the jaws of Pit Bulls lock and can exert 2,000 pounds of pressure per square inch. Ridiculous. As Pit Bull owners, we have to make an effort to educate our communities and extinguish the myths and fear that plagues this beautiful breed.

